Friday, December 9, 2011

John Baker Update 12/09/2011 12:25 PM

John had another restful night. His antibodies are still up so they will do plasmapheresis again today as well as tomorrow and sunday, a procedure in which they take the plasma from his blood and replace it with donated plasma thus reducing the antigens. His hematocrit is at 31 this morning. He has had four units of blood since yesterday. He will get more platelets today and possibly a transfusion. There is not enough internal bleeding to justify the struggle in keeping his blood count up so they are still working on that issue. As far as his left arm, they are still doing occupational therapy and there is some more improvement as of this morning. it still appears that over time the arm will recover. Urine  output is still good as yesterday and his creatinine is 1.9 which is acceptable. Oral fluids are still somewhat restricted as he gets a fair amount of IV fluids with Transfusions, Platelets, Ect
He is a little less positive today so please keep him in prayer.
Thank You

1 comment:

  1. Hi John!! All of us are wanting to say hello and send some sunshine and encouragment your way!! Keep smiling and remember God has your world in HIs Hands!! And...He does All things WELL!! We are praying for you!! We are all missing you and looking forward to seeing you! Here is Bryan's email address if you would like to email Love The Critchers
